There is no other way than “International Expertise and Multicultural Background Leaders” to define our The NORNS Awards Judges. These amazing professionals, from different corners and industries of the world, gave us their support and believed in our values. Now, they are ready to share their experience, thoughts and strength with all participants.

Our deepest and warmest
thank you for being part of this team!

Our deepest and warmest thank you for being part of this team!

Rina Chong

Rina Chong

International VP of Marketing
United States

Lucas Ribeiro

Associate Creative Director
McCann NY
2022 Creative LIAisons Coach
United States

Sandra Pereira

Sandra Pereira

Entrepreneur, Nursing Career Mentor
Systemic Emotional Intelligence Mentor, Master in Nursing

Dario Catania

Dario Catania

Economics & Sustainability Management
N’Sea Yet APS President

Angelica De Vito

UN Diplomatic Advisor // IEF Director of Public Affairs
Fulbright Scholar at Pace University of New York
United States

the norn awards judges Andrea Puizina

Andrea Puizina

Director of Global Accounts MICE
NH Hotel Group part of Minor Hotels

the norn awards team Riccardo Silvestre

Ricardo Silvestre

CEO & Founder Black Influence
1 of TOP 10 Communication Professionals 2020

the norn awards judges Kenny Yong

Kenny Yong

Group CEO & Founder
Fireworks Trade Media Group